Sunday, February 10, 2019

Henderson the Rain King

By Saul Bellow

The story of Henderson, who, despite his age, still has some coming-of-age to do. And despite his riches and formidable physique, is very restless. This restlessness brings him to Africa, where he becomes the Rain King of a tribe that is quite secluded from the West, yet he befriends their leader, who has quite extensive Western education.

This book took me a long time to complete. I started it before leaving to Israel, whereupon I had to return it to the library, because someone had reserved the only copy of it they have. When I came back, I had to wait until the book is returned by the other people who had reserved it, so it was at least 6 weeks in between reading the first 100 pages and the rest. [330 pp.]

Link to book.

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