Tuesday, June 29, 2021


 By Nell Zink

Well, this book was hilarious and weird. Not exactly what I expected, but also made sense in retrospect. I guess I didn't expect it to be about racial issues, though. I like to compare it to a Jane Austen novel, only with more sex and drugs. The Austen part refers to the way she criticizes society. The rest of it is far from Austen. More like a mix of a soap opera and a spy comic book. As I said, it was weird. And hilarious. Recommended. [256 pp.]

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Friday, June 11, 2021

Native Son

 By Richard Wright

This book was not what I expected. The author didn't want it to be, and he quite succeeded in that. He also didn't want to make people to cry while reading this book. Well, this part almost work for me. I only cried toward the end. 

My expectations were skewed also because the previous book I read of this author was his autobiography/memoir. I expected that book to be intense, but it wasn't. I really loved reading it. This book, however, was very intense, but not quite as alluring. It took me a while to get into it, and often I was almost dreading getting back to it. Sometimes I felt like the character was doing irrational things, which was quite annoying. But then things started to make more sense in the third part of the book. It was also the part I read the fastest. And cried like a baby. [398 pp.]

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