Thursday, January 24, 2019

A House Full of Daughters (A memoir of seven generations)

By Juliet Nicolson

A very intimate look into the lives of seven generations of a famous family to which the author belongs, focusing on the daughters of the family. I was not familiar with the family, and was solely attracted to the book because of the cover and the intriguing title. It was nice to learn about the family, and through it, about parts of history of England and the US in the time frame presented. It was also interesting to see repetitions and breaks from repetition in the different generations' acts and behavior, and the progress made in society throughout the century and a half of the story. [326pp.]

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Monday, January 7, 2019


By Edith Wharton

The story of Charity Royall, a young woman who feels out of place, the summer of thoughtful romance she has with Lucious Harney, and the consequences of this affair. [255 pp. (incl. introduction)]

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Saturday, January 5, 2019

Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

By Christopher Moore

This is a funny tale, trying to fill in the gap found in the new testament. As a young teenager, Josh (Jesus) and Biff go on a journey to find the tree wise men who visited Mary when Jesus was born. Josh just wants to know what he's supposed to do. In the process, they find the divine spark, bacon, and judo (JewDoh). Despite the obvious fictionality, the amount of research that went into writing this book is quite impressive. [444 pp.]

Link to book