Saturday, February 22, 2025

From Here

By Luma Mufleh

A memoir of a woman who grew up in Jordan and was forced to leave due to her sexual orientation. It's an interesting look at the nuances of familial relationships and the complications brought in by cultural norms (which of my beloved male relatives would perform the honor killing when they found out the shame I am bringing to the family?)  [306pp.]

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Thursday, February 6, 2025

An Illuminated Life: Belle da Costa Greene's Journey from Prejudice to Privilege

By Heidi Ardizzone

A fascinating biography of a woman who was a trailblazer for professional women, vivacious party-goer, and a celebrated personality, for whom maintaining huge portions of her life secret was crucial. [Fiction; 580 pp.]


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The Great Gatsby

By F. Scott Fitzgerald

Well, I had to read this book twice to start appreciating it and its symbolic intricacies. I still don't understand some of the choices made here, but appreciate the general sentiment of the book (i.e., the class struggles, etc.) and the use of a secondary character as the narrator. [fiction; 180 pp.]

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Rats: Observations on the History and Habitat of the City's Most Unwanted Inhabitants

By Robert Sullivan

The author studied rats in the financial district area of Mahnattan and joined rat professionals (researchers, pest control operators) on their missions. The book is full of stories and historical accounts. [nonfiction; 246 pp.]

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