Monday, June 24, 2013

A Brief History of Humankind [Hebrew]

By Yuval Noah Harari

A very interesting look at the history of humankind - from the earliest homo spp. to the future possibilities. [416 pp.]

Book link

Friday, June 21, 2013

Micky, I'm Talking To You [Hebrew]

By Shai Stern

A very enjoyable book about a guy who almost goes crazy as he tries to find himself while helping his two best friends, while they're going through some serious stuff. Wasn't easy to put that book away... [335 pp.]

 Book link

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Other People's Money

By Justin Cartwright

A very interesting story about an old and respectable family-owned bank in England. When the owner falls sick in old age, his son is tempted to play with hedgefunds, and the consequences are not good. This leads to the reluctant  involvement of a very young journalist and her eager leftist editor. The story is very complex and involves many characters, whom we get to know and care about through the beautiful writing of the author. It's hard to tell what we would like the result to be, as someone will inevitably get hurt. [272 pp.]

Book link


By Mark Poirier

First I saw the movie, which I ordered from Netflix because of the title and the fact that it was set partly in Tucson. Then I found the book in the library, and had to see how it matches with the movie (or vice versa). I concluded that in general the movie does a good job capturing the spirit of the book, with some scenes more loyal to the book than others, and many missing from the movie altogether. Which, for some scenes, I am thankful for not seeing them in the movie. The book is a fairly fun read, and especially good for descriptions of some parts of Tucson from over a decade ago. Not sure which one I would recommend more - the book or the movie.
(Finished reading over 5 weeks ago) [355 pp.]

Book link