Sunday, August 28, 2011


By Michael A. Thomas

The third in the books-with-animals-on-their-cover series, this was by far the funniest and the happiest. The story of a family gathering to celebrate the 72nd birthday of the father. A gathering that starts on an awful note (and smell) but ends up solving all of the problems the family members and their friends had. [278 pages]

Book link

Saturday, August 6, 2011


By J. M. Ledgard

[Finished a week ago] The true story of the largest herd of giraffes held in captivity - from the minute they were captured in Africa, till the tragic end - told from the point of view of various involved characters, including one of the giraffes. Very interesting look at Czechoslovakia during the 1970's under communist rule. [295 pp.]

Book link